Municipal Government
Hemingford has remained a village by choice. The Village of Hemingford has a chairman/board of trustees form of government. The board is comprised of Chairman Richard Wacker and Vice Chairman Jake Frost; Trustees Lynda Novotny, Riki Hunter and Will Mahony.
County Government
Box Butte County has 11 precincts and is governed by three county commissioners (Steve Burke, Brett Ditsch and Michael Sautter) elected by popular vote for four-year terms. The Box Butte County Courthouse is located in Alliance.
Tax Structure
All real property is subject to tax at actual value. Agricultural land is valued at 80 percent of its actual value. Personal property that is used in a trade or business and is depreciable is subject to tax at its “net book value.” Motor vehicles are subject to tax by values established by the State Tax Commissioner. All other personal property is exempt from taxation.