- American Legion Auxiliary
- American Legion Post #9
- American Legion Post #9 Honor Guard
- Believe in Hemingford
- Bobcat Sports Boosters
- Bobcat’s Beating Cancer
- Community Blood Drive
- Community Unity Meals
- Congregational Women
- Fair Volunteers
- Diorama Display
- Fire Department
- Food Pantry
- Girl Scouts
- Girl’s On The Run
- Hemingford Garden Group
- Hemingford Baseball
- Hemingford Chamber of Commerce
- Hemingford Junior Tackle
- Hemingford Sand Green Golf Course
- Hemingford Swim Team
- Hemingford USA Wrestling
- Hemingford Youth Basketball
- Hemingford Youth Volleyball
- HHS Alumni Association
- SAL’S (Sons of the American Legion)
- St. Bridget’s Altar Society
- Treats on the Streets
- United Methodist Women
- 4-H